Exciting 2024 plans ahead!
But first, what are the 2023 highlights?
Hello there,
A new year! I hope your days off were as restful as mine. I worked between Christmas and New Year but on the sofa with a laptop on my lap and a movie on the TV in the background. So nothing strenuous. The TV is now switched off, that is my good intention for the new year: less TV and more books. What is your book recommendation? Please send it my way!
Of course the intention from Slough Anti-Litter Society is to organise a lot of events this year so the time away from TV, internet and books will be well spent.
Now the festive days are behind us and we kick off 2024, we wanted to take a moment to look back on our achievements, in 2023 and share some exciting plans for the year ahead.
2023 Highlights Video:
Ready to relive the amazing moments of last year? We’ve created a video showcasing our dedicated volunteers, successful events, and the positive impact we’ve made in Slough. Check it out on our website, social media pages, or via the video below.
2024: Let’s Keep Slough Clean and Green!
The launch of the membership: Exciting news! You can now officially join the Slough Anti-Litter Society (SALS) as a free member and become a driving force for positive Anti-Litter change in our community.
Why Membership Matters:
Strength in numbers: Together, we increase our impact. A larger SALS membership means we have a stronger voice to advocate for our Anti-Litter causes, influencing businesses and the council to prioritize a litter-free and sustainable Slough.
Collaboration and sharing: As members, we can share valuable skills, knowledge, and ideas.
Community and connection: SALS membership is an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for protecting Slough’s green spaces and promoting Anti-Litter eco-friendly living. We will organise social events throughout the year to give everyone the opportunity to connect.
Click here to become a member of SALS (it’s free!) |
And what’s going to happen in 2024?
Get ready for another year of action with the Slough Anti-Litter Society. Mark your calendars for these events:
Hello 2024! Litterpick and social on Sunday 14 January: Kick off 2024 with purpose! Be the change that you want to see in Slough and meet up at 13:30 in Burlington Car Park 2, Burlington Street, SL1 1EL
You can park there for free on that day. We will litter pick for 1 hour and afterwards enjoy coffee/ tea courtesy of Moxy.
Repair Café – New Location: Starting on Saturday 27 January, our Repair Café will be moving to NotJUST a store in Westgate Retail Park in Bath Road to a bigger and permanent space. Come get your broken items fixed for free and extend their lifespan.
Book a free ticket for the Repair Café here |
Clothes Swap Extravaganza: To celebrate International women’s day, ditch fast fashion and join us for a fun clothes swap event on Saturday 9 March. Trade your pre-loved wardrobe for new-to-you treasures! Details are to follow but, ladies, please keep the date (during the day) free.
Fashion Upcycle Competition: Yes, this event will be back this year! Unleash your inner designer and transform old clothes or existing materials into fashion masterpieces! The date is to be confirmed but will probably be September again. We will be hosting a competition catwalk with amazing prizes for the most creative and sustainable upcycled outfits.
Anything else? Pub crawl litterpick will be back. Silent disco litter pick also. The Second- Hand market will be back, but in a different way. We are doing a Community Led Research Project in cooperation with University of Reading on British Science Association.
We also hope to do a Sew-Along this year! During that event we will bring experienced and beginner sewers together to share and learn from each other. We have a few sewing machines already, but if you want to donate your old machine, please do!
So lots of exiting plans! I believe that together, we can make Slough a cleaner, greener, and more vibrant place. We can’t wait to see you at our events and work together to create a community we can all be proud of!
Remember, every little action counts! Join us in making 2024 a year of positive change for Slough
On behalf of the team,
Thank you for your support and we will see you soon!
P.S. Don’t forget to share this newsletter with your friends and family! The more people who know about us, the greater impact we can make!
Who are we?
Slough Anti Litter Society is a community group with the aim of making Slough a better and cleaner place. We organise regular events, our motto is Be the change that you want to see in Slough.
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